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Slavic folklore festival

Slavic folklore is one of the richest and most colourfull in the world, it can vary from village to village, bringing exciting journey through traditions for all senses. Get yourself into the whirl of colors in traditional clothing, taste traditional meals, listen to the old tunes of violins, cimbal or bagpipes, or some with the modern twist and watch the dancers in catchy rhytms.
Main festival season starts in May and ends in September. Some minor local events are througout whole year, especially around the holidays.



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First weekend of July always belongs to the olders and most visited nationwide festival with international participation with full showcase of traditional folk culture. More then 1400 average performers in dozens of artistic programs every year, festival presents the winners of national competition of folklore groups, children's ensembles, folk music, singing groups, soloists, musicians and dancers. Very important and highly appreciated are craftsmen and folk crafts artists. 
One of the most interesting parts of the festival are interactive and experiential programs, such as dance, music, singing workshops, craft workshops and programs.for children.
An annual folk festival that takes place below the Poľana Mountain is well known not only in Slovakia, but also abroad. It is an international festival of the folk music, dance and songs organized not only for Slovaks living in homeland but also for those living abroad. The festival takes place in an amphitheatre in Detva and it is connected with a fair where are sold different traditional handicraft products. 
A unique folk festival that takes place within whole village, where every cottage and every yard host some kind of handicraft performance, folk singers, dancers, cooks, thread makers, artists and local crafters. Three days of one of a kind experience of past rural life.
An annual open air folk festival with international attendance.



Roma People and their Culture

There live about 90,000 of citizens registered to have Romani nationality in Slovakia. Some speak Romani/Gypsy language. They have their own traditions and culture. Very often they have natural musical talent. Usually they are good singers, dancers and they can play on musical instruments. Roma people have their special type of the music and dance, they have their own folklore. Typical musical instruments are for example cymbalo and violin. Several famous artists performing on the national scene come from the Roma people. Their culture is characteristic by specially rhythmical and dynamic music and dancing. Their costumes are very colourful and usually they are embellished by different scarves and jewellery. There are few Roma groups and singers that publish their music on CDs. As their music is full of fun and energy, it is quite popular. Except traditional folk festivals there are also organized Roma folk festivals. A Museum of the Romani culture can be found in Martin.


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